时间:2025-01-18 15:55:06 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
It all started with a dream. A of ensuring an endangered species was kept from extinction. That sort
It all started with a dream. A of ensuring an endangered species was kept from extinction. That sort of mad-cap enthusiasm is what lead to the front page of Imgur being populated entirely with GIFs of New Zealand bird superstar, Sirocco the kākāpō.
SEE ALSO:These photographs of New Zealand's natural wonders are seriously alluringThe kākāpō looks like a well-aged owl, is known to smell similar to a musty cupboard and forgets that it can't fly so runs about the forest floor pretending to take off.
I believe I can flyCredit: BBC TWO via imgurThe species is teetering dangerously on the brink of extinction, with only 125 thought to be left. The birds are kept alive by the hardworking hands of wildlife experts, volunteers and donations from the public.
To draw attention to the spectacularly graceless bird and its plight for survival, a post from Imgur user Prinnneh asked that users repost a GIF of the adorable bird and Imgur users didn't need to be asked twice.
CARD ID: 67026, CARD TYPE: Imgur
This bid to spike public awareness and donations paid off as Imgur's front page was flooded overnight with GIFs of the the head-bobbing mover and shaker himself, Sirocco the Kākāpō.
CARD ID: 67035, CARD TYPE: Imgur
I mean, just LOOK at him. He's got the moves of a toddler dizzy on cordial. Some nay-sayers have said that the bird should become extinct as natural selection would intend. For example, its mating call literally repels potential partners and they do have a tendency to fall out of trees from time to time.
But surely those are reasons to try and keep the groovy member of the avis family around for at least a couple more years?
We're up all night to get luckyCredit: Imgur/prinnnehP.S.
Witness Stephen Fry and BBC presenter Mark Cawardine just being casually shagged by the rare and hopelessly adorable bird.
Donate HERE to keep the feathery balls of cluelessness as far away from extinction as their groovy heads will allow.
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