时间:2025-01-18 12:52:09 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
John Oliver doesn't pull metaphorical punches, even when it comes to former U.S. President Barack Ob
John Oliver doesn't pull metaphorical punches, even when it comes to former U.S. President Barack Obama.
The late night comedian, who was the main guest on Seth Meyers' Late Nightshow, reacted to Meyers' mockery that during his two months off he was disengaging from the news and "kicking back" on a beach sipping on piña coladas while President Donald Trump brought wreckage to the country.
SEE ALSO:Obama beat Richard Branson in a kitesurfing face-off“I’m not sure I’ve ever ‘kicked back’ in my life," Oliver laughed, before launching an unexpected tirade against Obama for living his best life on holiday with Virgin billionaire Richard Branson on his private island.
“I tell you who, I would argue at the moment, should kick back a little less—and this might be controversial: I’m a little sick of seeing photos of President Obama on vacation with Richard Branson," he said.
“Just tone it down with the kitesurfing pictures. I’m glad he’s having a nice time -- America is on fire.”
“I know that people accused him of being out of touch with the American people during his presidency. I’m not sure he’s ever been more out of touch than he is right now as he’s kind of pushing [Branson] on a surfboard.”
“He should be saying, ‘Don’t take pictures! I’m not sure this will play well when I’m going, 'WEEEEE! WEEEEE! Isn’t this fun? We’re losing public schools! WEEEEE! You’re fiddling while Rome burns? WEEEEE! Billionaires are fun people to be around!’”
Your move, Obama.
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