时间:2025-03-18 03:30:28 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
If it feels like you've been living in front of a hair dryer lately, you're not alone.Germany, Belgi
If it feels like you've been living in front of a hair dryer lately, you're not alone.
Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands broke temperature records on Wednesday, while the UK is bracing for the hottest day on record, with temperatures of up to 39 degrees Celsius (102.2 degrees Fahrenheit) forecast.
Plus, America just recently roasted for several unbearable days.
Look, it's just... HOT, OK?
So, while you're sweltering and sprawled in a pool of your own juices on your not-cold-enough floor, hoping to catch a measly suggestion of a breeze through that not-open-enough window of yours, here's a few frosty shows to throw on your screen to make you forget for one second how truly warm you are.
Hot tip: Do not watch these with your laptop on your lap, lest you become even toastier.
If you've just added a wet tea towel to your pedestal fan in the hopes of generating a DIY air-con situation, why not help it along with a British psychological thriller set on a frosty Norwegian Arctic island? It's got everything: terrifying polar bears, murder, Stanley Tucci. Get involved.
Where to stream:Now TV, Sky Go
It might not feel like winter is coming right now, but if you skip to the end of Season 6 of Game of Thrones, you can truly roll about in it. Sure, there are wintry scenes in the North and beyond The Wall for most of the series, but by episode 10, a white raven's come from the citadel and winter is truly here. Good for you, not so much for Westeros...
Where to stream:HBO Go, Foxtel Go
If you're in need of bleak and beautiful wide shots of snow-covered North Dakota and Minnesota, you'll get the chills watching Fargo, Noah Hawley's TV anthology inspired by the cult classic Coen Brothers film. Cold as ice.
Where to stream:Netflix
The sassiest little penguin in Swiss-German television history lives in an icy kingdom set to cool your steamy self down. Pingu's attitude toward life might echo your own right now, scowling and honking in an invented language of "Penguinese" at everything in sight that doesn't go your way.
Where to stream:YouTube
While you're feebly mopping at your sweaty brow with your now-soggy tea towel, leopard seals have shit. to. do. Spend your steamy night traversing the the last great wildernesses on the planet, the Polar regions, where polar bears, emperor penguins, and Arctic foxes roam the frozen landscape you're currently not in.
Don't get too comfortable in this cold though, as human-induced climate change is affecting landforms like ice sheets and glaciers in a way that will (and should) make your blood boil.
Where to stream:BBC iPlayer, Netflix
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