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时间:2025-03-07 11:05:57 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Animal Crossing。and the Switch go together like peanut butter and jelly.。The life simulator is all a
Animal Crossing。and the Switch go together like peanut butter and jelly.。
The life simulator is all about short but daily interaction with your town by maintaining friendships and keeping those damn weeds at bay. Bringing that kind of experience to a portable console like the Switch feels like a no-brainer. 。
SEE ALSO:10 video games we can't wait to lose ourselves in this holiday season。So you can understand why people were in uproar when Nintendo failed to announce any plans to port the beloved franchise to their equally popular portable console during June's E3.。
But cry no more, animal friends.。
Thanks for signing up!。Tom Nook delivered the announcement on Thursday at Nintendo Direct that。Animal Crossing Switch。
(a working title) is coming in 2019. And we're still screaming about it.。 At first, we thought it couldn't get better after the announcement that your assistant in the game, Isabelle -- at first considering a coup to take over your town as the new mayor -- is joining the fight as a。Super Smash Bros. Ultimate。
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate。
playable fighter. But that was just icing on the cake.。 Right before Direct ended, Tom Nook's wearied face appeared from the darkness, talking about "work" he had to get to. And what he means by that is putting us players to work again, in his ponzi scheme of keeping us in perpetual bell debt through home loans.。Nintendo didn't provide any other details, outside of the working title and the 2019 release. But I guess playing as Isabelle in。
on Dec. 7, 2018 will have to suffice for now.。
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