时间:2024-11-21 21:05:17 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Far-right personality Laura Loomer, who was banned from Twitter last week for an Islamophobic tweet
Far-right personality Laura Loomer, who was banned from Twitter last week for an Islamophobic tweet about Minnesota representative-elect Ilhan Omar, has handcuffed herself to a door at Twitter's NYC headquarters in protest.
This incredible Mad Lib came to pass Thursday afternoon, when Loomer, armed with flyers and a sign with her own tweet printed on it, staged a protest outside the office. (She only handcuffed herself to one door, ostensibly to avoid a fire hazard. Thoughtful!)
Since Loomer's protest began, she has lost her sign, gotten her sign back, lost her megaphone, yelled a lot, and claimed that she no longer has the key to her handcuffs.
Several users streamed the bizarre event on Periscope -- including one affiliated with Loomer herself -- although there were reportedly only a few people watching Loomer IRL. On Twitter, she got a bit more attention, i.e. a lot of people made fun of her.
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Friends, there are two types of joy available online these days. One is big cow joy, and the other is Laura Loomer handcuffing herself to Twitter joy. We're not saying this is the healthier of the two, but boy, is it fun. Please enjoy.
UPDATE: Nov. 29, 2018, 5:38 p.m. Twitter is reportedly not pressing charges against Loomer. She is thus allowed to stay attached to the door as long as she pleases. Good luck!
UPDATE: Nov. 29, 2018, 6:14 p.m. EST Sadly, Loomer's protest seems to have ended. While she did not get her account back, she was trending on Twitter in the United States on Thursday, so that's something.
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