时间:2025-03-09 10:08:50 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Google's AlphaGo AI has won over world champion and number one ranked Go player Ke Jie for the secon
Google's AlphaGo AI has won over world champion and number one ranked Go player Ke Jie for the second time in a row. 。
Since there's only one match left to play, AlphaGo has clutched the overall win in the mini tournament, held from May 23-27 in Wuzhen, China. The best Ke Jie can hope for now is winning the last match for a 1:2 score. 。
SEE ALSO:Google's AlphaGo beats world's best Go player 。According to DeepMind founder and CEO Demis Hassabis, the AI assessed that Ke Jie played perfectly at some points in the game.。
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Incredible. According to #AlphaGo evaluations Ke Jie is playing perfectly at the moment.。
— Demis Hassabis (demishassabis) May 25, 2017 。
Ultimately, it wasn't enough. Now, even though AlphaGo isn't officially ranked as a Go player, we pretty much have to admit that an artificial intelligence has surpassed human skill at this game.。
AlphaGo made headlines when it won against legendary Go player and multiple world champion Lee Sedol (currently ranked number 7) in 2016, with a score of 4:1. It also won against European champion Fan Hui in 2015, with a 5:0 score. Before this, it was generally thought that AI couldn't compete in Go at the highest level due to the game's complexity.。
The tournament lasts for two more days; on May 26, AlphaGo will participate in a pair match, combining its abilities with human players, as well as a team tournament in which it will try to win five seasoned players at once.。
The last of the three matches vs. Ke Jie will be held on May 27.。
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