时间:2025-03-07 11:19:12 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
It's not every day a tourist fishing trip produces footage straight out of a David Attenborough docu
It's not every day a tourist fishing trip produces footage straight out of a David Attenborough documentary.
And it's even rarer when a deadly sea creature launches itself out of the air in front of you, but here we are.
SEE ALSO:Watch a guy fight off great white shark with a humble garden broomAmerican exchange student Haylee Webb always had a dream to go cage diving with great white sharks, she told Storyful. Visiting Australia's Sunshine Coast over the weekend, she took that dream and turned it into a scary reality, care of Calypso Star Charters.
What she didn't expect was to capture the moment a shark, in full attack mode, leapt out of the ocean for a meal.
Guest Hayley Stewart got this well timed footage on today's charter! Wait for it! 4 sharks today! 🐟🐟🐟🐟 #shark #sharkdiving #portlincoln pic.twitter.com/nGisU6hpNb
— Calypso Star Charter (@sharkcagediving) November 30, 2016
For a great white shark to be able to propel itself skyward, it must reportedly reach speeds of up to 40 kilometres (24.8 miles) per hour and often launches up to 3 metres (3.2 yards) before crashing back down.
Just look at that spectacular display of the sheer great white shark power.
Via GiphyIt is a common misconception that these sharks only breach in the waters surrounding Seal Island off the South African coast.
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The rarity of footage of this kind of behaviour makes the video a tiny window into the life of the apex predator. Precious memories.
Video credit: Storyful / Calypso Star Charters
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