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时间:2024-12-04 01:36:15 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
LAS VEGAS -- Sometimes, you need to fork over a little cash to get the nice stuff.。While there were
LAS VEGAS -- Sometimes, you need to fork over a little cash to get the nice stuff.。
While there were plenty of reasonably priced gadgets and devices unveiled at CES this year, there were also a number of luxurious items that will surely make some feel bad about their current paycheck.。
SEE ALSO:Virtual reality 'shoes' are here and they're as weird as they sound 。From a $10,000 massage chair and a $112,888 amplifier, here are some dream devices we saw this week at the largest electronics showcase in the world. 。
2. This $2,400 surfboard with a motor。
3. This massage chair, which is slated to cost more than $10,000。
4. This $112,888 amplifier。
CARD ID: 145323。
5. Crosley's $11,995 vinyl jukebox 。
6. Moen's $1,160 app-controlled shower system 。
7. This $1,300 fancy cooking blender thingy 。
This breast pump is quiet enough to use on a conference call。
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