时间:2025-03-07 10:47:51 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Someone may need to build a wall just to break up the fight between Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg
Someone may need to build a wall just to break up the fight between Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg.
Trump's camp pushed back against Zuckerberg with a curious criticism on Wednesday, one day after the Facebook CEO made a pretty clear dig at the Republican frontrunner's controversial rhetoric about building walls and fearing outsiders.
In an interview with CNBC, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson criticized Zuckerberg for being "self-righteous" and suggested that he needed to ditch Silicon Valley for a border town.
"Self-righteousness isn't very proactive," Pierson said. "I think I'll take Mark Zuckerberg seriously when he gives up all of his private security, moves out of his posh neighborhood, and come live in a modest neighborhood near a border town, and then I'm sure his attitude would change."
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Yes, you read that right. A rep for one self-professed billionaire just hit another billionaire for effectively being out of touch. Never mind that Trump divides his time between a guarded private palace in Palm Beach and a Manhattan penthouse high above the earth.
During his keynote address at Facebook's F8 conference on Tuesday, Zuckerberg criticized some of Trump's signature talking points without naming the real estate mogul by name.
"I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as 'others.' For blocking free expression, for slowing immigration, reducing trade, and, in some cases around the world, even cutting access to the Internet," Zuckerberg said in his speech.
"That's why I think the work we are all doing is so important. Because we can actually give more people a voice. Instead of building walls, we can help people build bridges. And instead of dividing people, we can help bring people together."
Trump has made building a wall with Mexico a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. He has also advocated for a trade war with China and called for a total ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
Throughout his campaign, Trump has repeatedly butted heads with the big technology companies. He called for a boycott of Apple products in response its fight with the FBI. He has promised to create "such problems" for Amazon and its CEO Jeff Bezos if elected president. And he has attacked Zuckerberg for his support of immigration reform.
A spokesperson for Zuckerberg declined to comment.
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