时间:2025-01-18 16:04:44 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band may be a long way from home, but The Boss took some time out
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band may be a long way from home, but The Boss took some time out of his set in Australia on Sunday to talk about the Women's Marches which occurred across the United States on Saturday.
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“We’re a long way from home, and our hearts and spirits are with the hundreds of thousands of men and women that marched yesterday in every city in America — and in Melbourne!” Springsteen said with his guitar in hand.
Springsteen went on spit out a laundry list of causes with a beatnik-type of bounce in his voice.
"We are the new American resistance."
“[They] rallied against hate and division and in support of tolerance, inclusion, reproductive rights, civil rights, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, the environment, wage equality, gender equality, healthcare, and immigrant rights,” said Springsteen. “We stand with you. We are the new American resistance.”
While there is no official number for the amount of people who marched the day following the inauguration of President Donald Trump, a glimpse at the photos and videos shows the crowds were massive.
Springsteen has been pretty outspoken for his distain for Trump during the election.
"Well, you know, the republic is under siege by a moron, basically," he told Rolling Stone in September. "The whole thing is tragic. Without overstating it, it's a tragedy for our democracy."
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