时间:2025-01-18 18:52:03 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
The internet's number one crush of 2019, Keanu Reeves, is turning another year older, wiser, and hot
The internet's number one crush of 2019, Keanu Reeves, is turning another year older, wiser, and hotter today and it's time to celebrate.
As Reeves turns 55 years old on this #ManCrushMonday (55? Breathtaking!) Twitter users are celebrating their good-haired, personal space-respecting, slow-mo strutting king by fondly looking back his career.
If we're being honest, the GIFs, threads, videos, and old photo collages of young Keanu are as much a gift to us all as they are to him, so please enjoy!
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Happy birthday to our collective internet boyfriend!
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