时间:2025-01-30 06:42:40 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Two students were suspended from Albright College this week after they posted a series of video Snap
Two students were suspended from Albright College this week after they posted a series of video Snapchats in which one of them -- a white woman -- is wearing blackface. 。
In the videos, the woman in blackface calls herself "Carlisha," mocks the Black Lives Matter movement, and adds padding to her pants before she walks into the hallway to mockingly twerk. 。
SEE ALSO:Man wearing gorilla mask at Black Lives Matter protest charged with intimidation。SEE ALSO:Man wearing gorilla mask at Black Lives Matter protest charged with intimidation。
"Black lives matter now, OK?" the woman on camera says. "Fuck white people."。
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"As we continue to investigate the matter, we have learned that multiple students of multiple races were involved," Albright's President Lex O. McMillan wrote in a statement published on Friday. "We will continue to review the facts of the matter so that the most appropriate sanctions for those who took part can be determined. I have invited the campus community to join me, my cabinet, and the president of the Student Government Association to an open forum today. We hope that by speaking with and listening to each other, we can take the first steps toward learning from this hurtful, offensive act." 。
In a statement the day before, McMillan wrote that "the students involved have expressed deep remorse and voluntarily came forward to report their actions." 。
The incident comes in the same week that a white student at East Tennessee State University showed up at a Black Lives Matter protest at the school handing out bananas and wearing a gorilla mask.The student was arrested and charged with intimidation.。Earlier this month a Kansas State University student was suspended for mocking black people in Snapchat selfies while wearing a L'Oreal face mask.。Earlier this month a Kansas State University student was suspended for mocking black people in Snapchat selfies while wearing a L'Oreal face mask. 。Watch MTV's Video Music Awards 2016 livestream2025-01-30 06:42
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