时间:2025-03-18 05:21:42 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
"If this is a remotely controversial statement to you, feel free to unfollow me."That was the captio
"If this is a remotely controversial statement to you, feel free to unfollow me."
That was the caption Seth Rogen shared to his 8.5 million Instagram followers on Monday beneath an image of the Black Lives Matter slogan.
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Rogen, along with major celebrities like Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift, has been vocal on Twitter and Instagram following the killing of George Floyd, who died in police custody after a former officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. In the week since, as protests have swept America and parts of the globe, the actor and director has helped start a chain of donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund — prompting celebrities like Steve Carell, Don Cheadle, and Ben Schwartz to match it — and has used his platform to post about racism to his 8.5 million Twitter followers.
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At the time of writing, his latest Instagram post supporting the Black Lives Matter movement has over 350,000 likes. It also has close to 50,000 comments. And while many of them are supportive, a number of people decided to take issue with the sentiment Rogen shared.
As you can probably guess from his responses, he wasn't all that bothered.
The widely-criticised phrase "All Lives Matter" has been around for years, and it's often used to belittle discussion of racial injustice, especially after high-profile acts of police brutality, in response to people saying the phrase "Black Lives Matter." (Here's why people should stop saying it, explained nine different ways).
Billie Eilish wasn't letting it slide last weekend, though, and now neither is Rogen.
The actor's responses have since gone viral on Twitter.
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It's a blunt way of responding, but it's an effective one at calling out those commenters.
You can get educated on what it means to be anti-racist here, and find additional ways to demand justice for George Floyd and support protests here.
TopicsBlack Lives MatterCelebrities
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