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时间:2025-03-07 10:11:01 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
At least 16 people were killed and dozens injured as an unusually widespread outbreak of severe weat
At least 16 people were killed and dozens injured as an unusually widespread outbreak of severe weather tore across the Southeast United States. The severe thunderstorms spawned numerous tornadoes, leaving damage and destruction in their wake.。
SEE ALSO:It's official, 2016 was Earth's warmest year on record。The severe weather is the result of a larger storm system that has barreled across the Southeast all weekend, with the tornado threat slated to move up the East Coast toward the Carolinas by late Sunday night.。
The storm system is also expected to bring windswept rain to New York and Boston on Monday, where winds could gust as high as 70 miles per hour. Several locations in the Southeast, including Atlanta, were close to setting records for the lowest air pressure on record for the month of January. In general, the lower the air pressure is, the stronger the storm. 。
By Sunday evening, the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) had issued tornado watches across Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, including cities like Orlando, Jacksonville, Savannah, and even eastern parts of the greater Atlanta metro area.。
The threat of severe weather on Sunday night extended as far west as Mississippi and as far north as Virginia. The SPC said that Sunday's outbreak was a "Particularly Dangerous Situation" (PDS) which, according to the SPC, is "used in Tornado Watches for rare situations when long-lived intense tornadoes are likely... PDS watches are issued, when in the opinion of the forecaster, the likelihood of significant events is boosted by very volatile atmospheric conditions." 。
Already on Sunday, tornados had touched down across the South, including in Auburn, Alabama and across Georgia, kicking up debris and causing damage.。
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At least 16 dead 。
An apparent tornado blew through a mobile home park early Sunday in southern Georgia's rural Cook County — sheering off siding, upending homes and killing seven people, local authorities said. An eighth death was reported in Cook County by state officials, although it was unclear whether that victim lived in the park.。
In addition to eight deaths in Cook County, four people were killed in adjoining counties Sunday. Another four people were killed in Mississippi by an EF-3 tornado on Saturday, bringing the weekend death toll to 16.。
Where the storm came from and where it's going。
This particular storm is riding a strong subtropical jet stream blowing across the southern tier of the U.S. from the Pacific Ocean. A dip, or trough, in the jet stream in the Southeast is helping to churn up a large amount of moisture and atmospheric instability in the high-warn area.。
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Credit: NOAA SPC。
Credit: NOAA SPC。
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