时间:2025-02-28 19:44:07 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
It's a full circle moment for all of us.On Friday, Facebook announced that it was killing its embatt
It's a full circle moment for all of us.
On Friday, Facebook announced that it was killing its embattled "Trending" news section.
SEE ALSO:I wrote the Facebook report Ted Cruz can’t stop talking about. He’s getting it all wrong.Then, mere *hours*later, the tolling of the death knell received an appropriate tribute: the news started Trending on Facebook, in the trending section itself. *LE SIGH
*Facebook said in a statement that it was scuttling the product because it did not drive a significant amount of traffic, nor garner much user engagement. But Facebook, via its Trending widget, has also come under fire for accusations of liberal bias and conservative news suppression -- a narrative that Facebook hasn't been able to escape since Mashable's own Michael Nuñez broke that story at Gizmodo in 2016.
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So let us bid a not-so-fond farewell to the sidebar that was usually behind-the-times, sometimes promoted conspiracy theories, and was prey to that menace of social media companies: human error. By trending on Facebook, we're glad Trending has gotten the funeral it deserves.
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