时间:2025-03-07 10:21:27 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Buying gifts for people is much easier when you know what they like.And when what they like is wine,
Buying gifts for people is much easier when you know what they like.
And when what they like is wine, it's even easier. Because even if they don't like what you get them, after a few sips of wine, they'll like just about everything.
SEE ALSO:Wine lovers rejoice, this 24 hour red wine fountain is freeHere are 30 gifts for the wine lover in your life.
Price:$16.89 for a pack of six
Wine condoms are just alternative bottle stoppers.
Price: $29.99
Price: $12.00
Price:£8.95 (11.28 USD)
Optimize your box wine experience.
Price:$95.00 for a set of six
Basically, these are bougie ice cubes.
Price: $18.00 for a set of two
Price:$45.00 for four
Price: £14.45 (18.20 USD)
Price: $25.99
Price: $12.50
Price:$28.00 for set of four
These vegan, gluten-free soaps were created with notes from four types of wine, and they claim to have "surprising skin soothing benefits."
Price: Starting at around $37/shipment
Price: $39.95
Price: $13.14
Let your inner Amy Schumer come out.
Price: $12.99
Price: $59.00 for a set of two
Price: From $24.09
Price: $10.00
If you don't have real chewing gum to stick on your glass as a distinguisher, these fake wads of gum will suction onto your glass.
Price: $17.99
Just like you, Santa would take wine and cheese over milk and cookies.
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