时间:2025-01-18 17:59:53 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Is there anyone who enjoys a snow day more than kids who just got a day off school?Yes. Zoo animals.
Is there anyone who enjoys a snow day more than kids who just got a day off school?
Yes. Zoo animals.
SEE ALSO:Snowboarder backflips off a moving car like it's NBDThe Oregon Zoo closed its doors yesterday due to a snow storm that moved through the area. With their time off, the zoo animals decided to take the day for themselves and thoroughly enjoy the snowy weather. What results is the cutest video of the winter courtesy of the Oregonian.
The Oregon Zoo also tweeted out their own video of animals rolling and flopping around in the snow. It is a rare treat to see an elephant confronted with snow, not really know what to do, but then realize it's actually the best thing ever.
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And can we talk about that seal who is vigorously poking its neighbor like hey, hey, hey, hey this day is amazing? Someone get a voiceover on this, stat.
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