时间:2025-03-18 07:41:27 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
As a tried and true Floridian, I can tell you that spotting lizards in areas where most people would
As a tried and true Floridian, I can tell you that spotting lizards in areas where most people would not expect is typical of the great state.
Kristen Arnettcan attest to this.
SEE ALSO:Dancer rides white horse onto nightclub floor, chaos ensues in FloridaThe Florida-based woman, spotted a lizard at a local 7-Eleven Monday and was informed by the cashier not to worry about him. And that his name is Marvin. The woman and the lizard became instant friends.
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Turns out Marvin the lizard is a frequenter of this particular 7-Eleven. As anyone who encounters a coffee-loving lizard named Marvin would do, Arnett declared him a new friend.
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Since this is the age of social media, the official 7-Eleven account spotted the original tweet and wanted to check up on the store. But loyal friend to lizards that she is, Arnett refused to tattle.
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Luckily, 7-Eleven understood that snitches get stitches.
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Marvin the 7-Eleven lizard gets to spend another day sniffing the coffee. Sounds a bit zany, but actually it's just another typical day in Florida.
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