时间:2025-01-18 18:58:23 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
The midterm elections are upon us, and while getting pizza while waiting in line to vote is a great
The midterm elections are upon us, and while getting pizza while waiting in line to vote is a great motivator, nothing beats snapping post-ballot selfies with an "I voted" sticker.
But at many polling locations around the country, stickers might be scarce or nonexistent. To remedy this situation, illustrator Gale Galligan tweeted a promise to hand-draw stickers for people who didn't get one at the polls.
SEE ALSO:Jimmy Kimmel asks people what it was like voting in the midterms...last week?"There's something very special and exciting about 'I Voted' stickers and it's a huge bummer when my polling place doesn't have them!" Galligan told us via email. "I was lucky this time, and thought it'd be fun to spread some of those good sticker feelings around."
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As responses to her tweet rolled in, Galligan started sharing adorable, customized "I Voted" stickers with people who say they made it to the polls. (Yes, absentee ballots count, too.)
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Due to the number of responses Galligan's tweet pulled in, she wasn't able to spend a lot of time making super detailed stickers. Instead she opted for fun and goofy designs while attempting to keep up with replies.
"These stickers are possibly the most accurate representation possible of who I am as a person," Galligan wrote.
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Galligan says she was more than happy to draw silly stickers for people on Twitter as it served to distract her from wondering what the results of Tuesday's elections might look like.
"Every time I get that impulse, I'm going to go back and draw a dumb dog sticker," she wrote.
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Having a mother who was an immigrant, Galligan says she understands the importance of exercising the right to vote.
"Our voices matter," she wrote. "Our votes matter. Let's pull ourselves through this, save lives, and end disenfranchisement."
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