时间:2025-01-18 18:56:53 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
If your personal assistant is taking the day off and your dog is napping, you may find yourself wond
If your personal assistant is taking the day off and your dog is napping, you may find yourself wondering how to get your favorite Netflix programming to show up on that flatscreen across the room from your couch. Admittedly, it can be confusing — there are so many remotes, so many devices, and so many possibilities of where that Netflix signal might originate.
The good news is that if you have Chromecast on your TV or as an add-on dangling from your USB port, you can set up your Google Home to answer all of your Netflix commands.
The setup is easy. Just go to your Google Home app on your phone. Tap the gear, and under Settings you’ll select "Add," which will bring up these options:
Select "Videos and photos," and you’ll find a list of your streaming services:
Credit: screenshot: googleTap on Netflix and sign in. Once the account is confirmed, you’ll see the familiar Netflix interface:
Credit: screenshot: googleYou can also do this setup under Google Assistant services, where you’ll click on TV & Video to end up at "Videos and photos" again.
That’s it! That’s all there is! And then you can begin shouting, “Hey, Google! Play the Great British Baking Showagain!”
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