时间:2024-11-10 10:38:09 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Election Day in the U.S. is an important day, for sure, but it's also a great day for memes and joke
Election Day in the U.S. is an important day, for sure, but it's also a great day for memes and jokes. After all, if the internet has proven anything, it's that it can make a meme out of anysituation.
So Tuesday morning, as East Coast voters awoke and began heading to the polls, they also began making jokes and memes about the day's events. Some of the memes are simply silly and funny — the kind of jokes that aren't political. They're meant to make you chuckle.
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Some of the other memes and posts, however, are more political. They either urge folks to vote for one side, or make fun of the general state of elections in the U.S.
Acclaimed author Stephen King even poked fun at himself for his previous battle over verification with Twitter's new head Elon Musk.
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And then there was a...whole thing...with Katy Perry.
Yes, we're talking "Teenage Dream," campaigned feverishly for Hillary Clinton, pop star Katy Perry. She posted a photo of herself voting for Rick Caruso, a longtime Republican billionaire who recently changed parties in his bid for the mayorship of Los Angeles. Lots of folks online were "displeased" with her. Perry's stans, meanwhile, have been left trying to defend the pop star, with some folks jokingly covering the screen that showed her voting for Caruso.
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Election Day has just gotten started and the votes across the country will likely be tallied for days to come. So, that means you can expect more memes. Because no matter what happens, the internet still has jokes.
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