时间:2025-01-18 18:52:20 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Ever dropped your phone while running on a treadmill? According to a recent Reddit post, it's actual
Ever dropped your phone while running on a treadmill? According to a recent Reddit post, it's actually possible for the treadmill to suck in an iPhone and spit it out on the other side, destroying it in the process.。
The end result, however, is far more aesthetically pleasing than one would expect (see photo above). The gently curved shape, the uniformly shattered glass -- if it weren't a $500 casualty, it'd almost be pretty.。
SEE ALSO:Angry customer casually smashes up iPhones in a French Apple Store。Dianna_2Ns, the Reddit user who posted the photo of the broken phone, said very little in terms of context, so take this story with a grain of salt. When asked by another user how it happened, her answer was "got caught under the belt & went all the way around..."。
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Is that even possible? We're not sure, but one thing is certain: This iPhone won't work as intended anymore.。
In other iPhone-destroying news, check out this video of a very angry man breaking several thousand dollar worth of iPhones at an Apple Store. Real classy acts do it on a treadmill, man. 。
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