时间:2024-11-22 01:00:02 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Did Donald Trump hand Hillary Clinton the presidential election? Is he secretly a shark? Why was Ken
Did Donald Trump hand Hillary Clinton the presidential election? Is he secretly a shark? Why was Ken Bone ruined? And why can't America have nice things?
Saturday Night Live 。 sought to answer all these questions on Oct. 15 -- or at least, to ask them again.。
SEE ALSO:Emily Blunt does an uncanny impression of a train in 'SNL' promos。In the political opener for this week's episode, Kate McKinnon and Alec Baldwin reprised their roles as the 2016 presidential frontrunners in a TL;DR parody of the latest town hall meeting.。
Thanks for signing up! 。 Baldwin lurked ominously behind McKinnon the way Trump followed Clinton during the second debate. Funnily enough, it goes eerily well with the。Jaws。
theme. Then they turned it over to undecided voter Ken Bone (Bobby Moynihan), who experienced his own fall from grace since the debate. 。
In her opening monologue, host Emily Blunt performed a musical number to distract the audience from the "dark cloud" of the election -- this included passing out cookies and puppies and offering free massages. 。
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