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时间:2025-01-18 16:48:52 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
A mysterious SOS sign made of rocks spotted by a pilot flying over Swift Bay in Western Australia ha
A mysterious SOS sign made of rocks spotted by a pilot flying over Swift Bay in Western Australia has perplexed authorities. 。
A ground search of the remote area quickly followed but yielded zero "recent human activity."。
SEE ALSO:These Australian versions of Pokémon are truly magnificent 。The signal raised concerns that people could be stranded, and authorities have turned to the public for help.。
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"Police are trying to establish if there are any missing persons in the area who require assistance," said authorities in a statement. "Anyone who can assist police with locating or identifying the person(s) who made the SOS is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or report the information online at www.crimestopperswa.com.au." 。 It's also possible that the sign was made a long time ago, or that it's just a。It's also possible that the sign was made a long time ago, or that it's just a 。
really really funny and not at all dumb。
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