时间:2025-03-01 00:21:52 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
President-Elect Donald Trump heaped on the insults at his Jan. 11 press conference, his first in six
President-Elect Donald Trump heaped on the insults at his Jan. 11 press conference, his first in six months.
One of his targets? BuzzFeed, curator of listicles and publisher of unverified dossiers.
In the process of decrying allegations against him, Trump described BuzzFeed as "a failing pile of garbage," an epithet that the media company is now wearing as a badge of honor. Within three hours of the press conference, BuzzFeed designed, ordered and listed an "absolutely fantastic" powder red garbage can.
SEE ALSO:Can we please stop branding compassion as 'liberal elitism?'The limited-edition product, of which there are only 100, is only part of their new Failing Pile of Garbage collection, which also features a T-shirt and bumper stickers.
100% of the proceeds are being donated to the Committee to Protect Journalists, an "independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide." They have now raised more than $25,000.
Trump lashed out at BuzzFeed in the wake of their release of an unverified 35-page document detailing allegations that Russia has "compromising information" against the president-elect, including a sex tape.
BuzzFeed employees, which we assume had to collectively refrain from shouting "It takes one to know one!" into the void, had some subdued takes on the whole situation:
Tweet may have been deleted
Tweet may have been deleted
If things continue to get heated between the president-elect and BuzzFeed, we look forward to their Spring/Summer Decomposing Waste and Fall/Winter Burning Trash collections to come.
You can watch Trump's full attack against BuzzFeed and "fake news" below:
Correction: The original post stated that a percentage of the profits will be going to charity. The correct percentage is 100%.
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