时间:2025-03-18 05:21:49 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Jonathan Bailey — or, as the world has come to know him, Lord Anthony Bridgerton — has l
Jonathan Bailey — or, as the world has come to know him, Lord Anthony Bridgerton — has launched a dreamy sleep story on meditation app Calm.
Titled Love Letter From An Englishman, the bedtime audio story is narrated by Bailey and takes listeners into tropical waters on the H.M.S Dreamscape, where a sea captain has set sail "all in search of a rare and beautiful flower for his beloved".
This is the second leading Bridgertonman to voice a Calm sleep story. The Duke of Hastings, AKA Regé-Jean Page, starred in his own last year, following the wild success of the show's first season. Now, as Bailey takes the helm of Bridgerton's second season, he joins a cluster of renowned stars who have lent their voices to the higher purpose of a meditation app.
"I’ve listened to many sleep stories over the years narrated by an eclectic mix of super talented readers, so it’s an honour to release my own," said Bailey in a statement.
"I know how hard it can be to silence your mind at night," he continues. "I hope my sleep story on Calm will take people on a soothing romantic journey into a deep energising slumber."
Thank you, Lord Bridgerton.
Jonathan Bailey's sleep story is now available in the Calm app through the App Store and Google Play.
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