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时间:2025-03-24 11:59:48 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Behind every great entertainment property there's a cheekily named porn parody. Super Hornio Bros. G
Behind every great entertainment property there's a cheekily named porn parody. Super Hornio Bros. Game of Bones: Winter is Cumming. Spongeknob Squarenuts. (Okay, that one is less clever, but you get the idea.) 。
So it comes as no surprise that after。 So it comes as no surprise that after 。Pokémon Go 。 invaded all our smartphones, the porn parodies were not too far behind. Behold the amazingly titled。 Poké-mon Ho!。
(The exclamation point is their addition, not mine.)。SEE ALSO:Inside the weird, sexy world of VR porn 。 In。Poké-mon Ho!,
Thanks for signing up!。Misty in "Poké-mon Ho".Credit: holofilms productions 。
The 35-minute film, produced by HoloFilms Productions, is actually entirely available in virtual reality (because it's 2016). It offers point-of-view-perspective "where you are a character in the story," a HoloFilms rep told。
More on the plot, from Holofilms: " As she continues on her journey, she encounters what she thinks is a rare Pokemon. It turns out to be a human she is well acquainted with, and reveals who this special guy is at the very end." 。
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