时间:2024-12-04 00:58:14 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Think you have what it takes to take on some of the best Street Fighterplayers in North America?Thre
Think you have what it takes to take on some of the best Street Fighterplayers in North America?
Three new online tournaments are giving North American Street Fighter V players a chance to win a trip to the Capcom Pro Tour North American Regional Finals at Red Bull's Battle Grounds in November.
SEE ALSO:7 tips for your first foray into 'Street Fighter V'Red Bull's new Proving Grounds Online tournaments will take place Aug. 29-30, Sept. 26-27 and Oct. 24-25. The three champions that emerge will win a paid trip to Seattle from Nov. 4-6 to compete in the 512-player open bracket for a chance to qualify in the CPT NA Regional Finals. The Regional Finals feature the top 14 players from the North American leaderboard and the top two players from the open bracket.
Proving Grounds Online is similar to Red Bull's Proving Grounds, where six cities around North America have hosted monthly tournaments since June. The online tournaments give players who do not live near these cities an opportunity to have their travel and accommodations covered for the CPT NA Regional Finals.
Each Online Proving Grounds tournament has a 512-person bracket and are restricted to players in North America. Regristation is open for the first tournament until the tournament starts.
These Proving Grounds tournaments are all non-ranking tournaments, which means they do not give winning players regional or global points for the Street Fighterleaderboard and do not help them qualify via leaderboard for their regional finals or the Capcom Cup, held in Decemeber. Winning a Regional Finals automatically qualifies a player to attend the Capcom Cup.
Capcom similarly opened up new online tournaments this year for players interested in increasing their leaderboard ranking. Each region was given two online events for players who haven't been able to compete in LAN ranking tournaments. Like Red Bull's Online Proving Grounds, Capcom's online ranking tournament winners get a trip to their Regional Finals.
The next North American online ranking tournament through Capcom takes place Sept. 11 and has open registration for 256 players.
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