时间:2025-01-18 13:15:36 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Can't get enough of Wordle? Try Mashable's free version nowFriday's just a day away, folks, and ther
Friday's just a day away, folks, and there's a fresh Wordleto break up the tedium. (Or the tension. We don't know what you've got going on.) If you get stuck, that's where our daily Wordlehelp can come in handy.
The answer to the August 4 Wordle, puzzle #411, can be found at the end of this article. Before you get there, though, there are a couple of subtle clues to help you narrow it down, and as you scroll down, you'll see we've gathered a selection of the best tips and strategies from our previous reporting to help you every day.
Former Reddit engineer Josh Wardle came up with the game in 2021 as a private exercise for him and his word game-loving partner. It eventually became a staple of their family WhatsApp messaging, and that's when Wardle started to suspect he might have something special enough to merit a wider release.
Thousands of people around the globe now play this game each day, and fans have even created alternatives to Wordleinspired by the original format. This includes music identification game Heardle, Hollywood nerd faves Actorleand Framed, and variations like Dordleand Quordlethat make you guess multiple words at once.
Not the day you're after? You'll find the Wordleanswer for August 3 here.
Look to the future!It's about time for the August 5 Wordle — come get your clues and spoilers.
We have some ideas to help you pick the perfect first move. Such tips include choosing a word with at least two different vowels to rule those building blocks in or out, plus a few common consonants such as S, T, R, or N.
Also, even if you're attached to your mathematically sound starter, once it's been the answer on any given day it won't be the answer again for a few years — so if you happen to get the elusive 1/6 result, celebrate by swapping out your starting five.
While you could once play the entire archive of past puzzles, the archive was taken down at the request of the New York Times, according to the site's creator.
If you've been finding Wordletoo easy, there is a Hard Mode you can enable to give yourself more of a challenge. But unless you activate this mode, we can assure you that Wordle isn't getting harder.
The whole point of Wordleis that everyone's solving the same puzzle, with the same answer, no matter where you are in the world. However, occasionally the puzzle game will accept two different correct solutions on the same day. This aberration is due to changes the New York Timesbegan making after it acquired Wordleearlier this year, excising words form Wardle's original list that the team considers obscure or potentially offensive.
To make sure you're always getting the same puzzle as everyone else, refresh your browser before you play — don't worry, the site will keep your streak.
It sounds like something.
...the letter R!
Not today!
SEE ALSO:Wordle-obsessed? These are the best word games to play IRL.Ready?
It's time to reveal the solution.
Reporting by Caitlin Welsh, Sam Haysom, Amanda Yeo and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.
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