时间:2025-03-14 08:00:10 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Ethan Sonneborn is running for governor of Vermont. He's also 14 years old. This is perfectly legal,
Ethan Sonneborn is running for governor of Vermont. He's also 14 years old. This is perfectly legal, which he explains on his very adorable and surprisingly professional website.
All that's required for someone to run for governor in Vermont is that they have lived in the state for a minimum of four years. For the skeptics, a link to the Vermont constitution is also provided on Sonneborn's website.
Sonneborn, who is a Democrat, also runs down the issues that are important to him, such as LGBTQ rights, healthcare for all, the environment, economy, and education.
You'll also find a YouTube video of Sonneborn delivering a speech that he gave this January, when he announced his campaign. He discusses his love of dogs, basketball, fishing -- and his intention to run for governor.
Maybe I'm just super burned out and disillusioned from the brutal political news cycle, but Sonneborn has me convinced he's the right person for the job. Sure he's not old enough to vote himself, but he believes in pushing a carbon emissions tax, so that's something?
His website doesn't give a super-detailed explanation of how he's going to accomplish everything he stands for, but at least he stands for something. He's charming and he gives me hope for the future, so I'm choosing to believe in him.
Vermont's Democratic primary is on Tuesday, if Sonneborn wins he'll be -- you guessed it -- the youngest governor in Vermont's history.
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