时间:2025-03-07 10:51:13 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Happy National Masturbation Month! Perhaps you'd like to celebrate by pleasuring yourself...for char
Happy National Masturbation Month! Perhaps you'd like to celebrate by pleasuring yourself...for charity?
Yes, that is actually a thing. Today marks the launch of #DoItInMay, a new campaign that’s aiming to bring awareness to all the benefits of servicing oneself. It’s being led by TENGA, a global seller of sex toys. They're hoping, as they explained in a statement, that this will "help change the conversation about masturbation and promote a message that self-care is a common, sex-positive act that should be celebrated, not hidden."
SEE ALSO:Nintendo Switch has cut deep into porn trafficIt's true that while almost all of us do it, we're not usually too keen to talk about it. Especially for women, there's a real reticence to talk about our own masturbatory habits, and that can lead to us not getting our fair share of the pleasure pie -- the orgasm gap is real, people.
If this sounds like the kind of selfless act, ahem, you're into doing, you can take an online pledge. (It's all completely anonymous, obvs.) All you need to do is promise to go "above and beyond" for the rest of the month in your choking of the chicken, buffing of the muffin, or whatever you prefer to call it.
TENGA will donate one dollar for every pledge and two dollars every time someone uses the #DoItInMay hashtag. The money goes to SIECUS, the Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States, which advocates for sex ed access and reproductive health services. There is a maximum donation cap of $10,000. So it's not a mindblowingly orgasmic amount, but it's not nothing either.
And let's be honest: You’re gonna do it anyway, so you might as well do it for a good cause.
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