时间:2025-03-24 10:02:48 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Life imitates tech. Or, perhaps it's the other way around.Reddit user xbshooterwas traveling near Sa
Life imitates tech. Or, perhaps it's the other way around.
Reddit user xbshooterwas traveling near Santa Cristina, Italy, when he stumbled upon a familiar sight: the same view that he had set as his phone background.
SEE ALSO:Challenge of the day: Find the cell phone in this pictureThe picture is of Langkofel and Plattkofel in the Dolomites mountain range in northeastern Italy.
According to his Reddit post, he originally set the photo to his background because "I was looking for beautiful mountain towns to visit while i was living in Italy."
Now that the world traveler has solved the mystery of the mountain on his phone, he is on to other photogenic sites.
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