时间:2025-01-18 16:51:51 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Prince's family is planning a memorial service to remember him in "the right way."In a statement obt
Prince's family is planning a memorial service to remember him in "the right way."
In a statement obtained by Mashable, the family -- half-siblings Alfred Jackson, John Nelson, Norrine Nelson, Omarr Baker, Sharon Nelson and sister Tyka Nelson -- said that they will hold an official ceremony "in the near future."
SEE ALSO:Prince's sister files to be estate executor, says he didn't leave a will"We would like everyone to know that, contrary to previous and current reports, there has been no memorial, funeral or tribute service for Prince that was organized or authorized by the family or Paisley Park representatives," the family wrote in the Friday statement. "Together, the family is planning an official memorial service and public event to take place in the near future."
The statement continued: "Prince and his music influenced so many people that we feel inspired to celebrate his life and legacy in just the right way. We appreciate the public’s patience and have been comforted by your outpouring of love, support and condolences. We look forward to sharing with the world this celebration of, and farewell to, our Prince. Details will be coming soon."
Reports had surfaced that a private ceremony was held last month at Paisley Park.
Also on Friday, a judge authorized Prince's blood to be DNA tested as "parentage issues might arise." According to a court document (below), the testing can be used "for any purpose relevant to the administration of the Estate."
Prince Order by mashablescribd
On April 26 -- five days after Prince's sudden death at age 57 -- his younger sister, Tyka Nelson, filed to become executor of his estate, saying that he did not leave a will.
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