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时间:2024-11-22 03:25:02 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
The historically unusual 2016 U.S. presidential race has turned into a kind of reality show, so it's
The historically unusual 2016 U.S. presidential race has turned into a kind of reality show, so it's only natural that one of its central figures, Donald Trump, now has a mobile game dedicated to his character. 。
SEE ALSO:Donald Trump's new app tries to make personal branding great again。SEE ALSO:Donald Trump's new app tries to make personal branding great again。Released on Friday,Jrump。
is a mobile game that challenges you to build walls (yes, really) that help a character that looks remarkably like Trump to jump higher and higher into the sky and eventually into outer space as he attempts to "make the galaxy great again."。
Along the way, he is attacked by adversaries including jet pack-wearing Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Kim Jong Un and President Barack Obama. Of course, neither Trump nor his adversaries are identified by name in the game (the central character is named "Donald Jrump"), but it's fairly obvious who's who based on the theme.。Credit: ODDBOY & APPARCANUM LIMITED 。
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Thanks for signing up! 。Starting in Las Vegas (because, of course) Trump bounces off the walls you create and, early in the game, dodges global warming scientists toting books of facts. If you fail to achieve significant distance from Earth, Trump falls and the game ends with insults like "Weak!" and "Loser!" and "Loser!"。
Yes, we know, the 2016 election is no joke, and many important issues are at stake. But this game is not only incredibly well done, it's also funny.。 How this will go over with Trump himself is another matter. But until someone tries to stop this game from working its satirical magic, most will likely enjoy the gameplay, which is well designed and engaging, no matter what side of the issues you're on. 。Developed by a team of New Zealand-based game developers,
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