时间:2024-12-04 01:54:56 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
If you watched Netflix's enthralling show The Crown, you're probably aware Queen Elizabeth II has ha
If you watched Netflix's enthralling show The Crown, you're probably aware Queen Elizabeth II has had a lifelong passion for horses.
SEE ALSO:'The Crown' star Claire Foy will be new 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'At the age of 91, she still occasionally enjoys a morning horse ride; the Racing Postis one of her favourite daily newspapers, which she avidly reads in the morning over breakfast; and naturally, she knows a thing or two about horse breeding and horse races, which she attends regularly.
Credit: REX/ShutterstockNow, figures sent by the Blueclaw agency show Her Majesty earned over £6.7 million ($8.8 million) in prize money from racing her horses in the past 30 years.
Since 1988, the Queen won 451 races with her best year being 2016, where she earned £557,650.
Her Majesty is currently 11th in the flat Owners' Championship, with 20 races won and total earning of £413,641 so far.
Her most successful horse is Merlin, who has won 3 out of 8 runs and earned a total of £21,768.
If we look at the winning percentage, the Queen's most successful horse is Elector, who has a 100% race win record. Elector is followed by Daphne and Elementary, who both have 50% race win.
"The next horse owned by The Queen that is due to race is Patchwork, trained by Richard Hughes in the 32 Red Handicap at Kempton," Blueclaw reports.
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