时间:2025-03-16 16:38:47 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Ryan Lochte is just a 32-year-old kid who embellished the truth a little bit to avoid trouble while
Ryan Lochte is just a 32-year-old kid who embellished the truth a little bit to avoid trouble while having some harmless fun abroad at the Olympics. Actually, in a sense, heis the real victim here and all lives ...
Hard stop. Nope -- we already told you why Lochte's lie matters.
SEE ALSO:Olympics star Gabby Douglas is not defined by Rio's social media dramaStill, some commentators and pundits have rationalized and excused Lochte's shameful behavior over the past several days. To counter those Lochte apologists, we present none other than Al Roker, America's favorite weatherman.
Roker fully went into fed-up-father mode as commentator Billy Bush (yes, of the Bush family) sputtered to diminish Lochte's lie on the Todayshow Friday morning. Roker's stand gained new life online Saturday morning after Twitter user Alexander Hardy added some apropos sound effects. (Pay special attention to the drink-stirring effect around the 40-second mark.)
And now, back to "Al Roker vs White Nonsense" #LyinRyan #LochteInAVaultOfWhiteFragility pic.twitter.com/YqZy4guIWN
— Alexander Hardy (@chrisalexander_) August 20, 2016
Lochte's story of getting held up at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro last weekend unraveled within days. Brazilian police say he and three other swimmers were, in fact, drunk and disorderly at a gas station that they vandalized before being confronted by on-site security guards. Lochte apologized Friday, but could still face charges in Rio for reporting a false crime.
For his part, Roker played it cool after holding the door of privilege against Bush on Today. In a Twitter post, Roker re-shared Lochte's apology and suggested it's time for everyone to move on.
The good news is nobody got hurt, @RyanLochte apologized to those affected. Accept it and move on. #GoUSA https://t.co/8J6wbd4VJR
— Al Roker (@alroker) August 19, 2016
Probably good advice. After all, if you can't trust Al Roker, who can you trust?
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