时间:2025-03-18 02:13:10 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Are U kidding me with this skyscraper? (get it?)。A mind-blowing concept for the world's longest buil
Are U kidding me with this skyscraper? (get it?)。
A mind-blowing concept for the world's longest building has been revealed in the form of an incredibly cool, U-shaped skyscraper, and excuse us because we need a minute to take this all in. 😳
"The Big Bend" – an architectural structure designed by Oiio studio – is essentially an arched skyscraper that features a special elevator system able to travel horizontally, in curves and in loops. 。
You know, no biggie.。
SEE ALSO:Dubai is bringing the world its first rotating skyscraper 。
"The Big Bend" skyscraper concept imagined in New York.Credit: oiio 。
Concept design of "The Big Bend."Credit: oiio 。
"The Big Bend" compared to tallest buildings in the world.Credit: oiio。
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