时间:2025-03-09 23:05:19 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Of all the U.S. traditions Japan has adopted, Christmas might be the biggest. And now one company is
Of all the U.S. traditions Japan has adopted, Christmas might be the biggest. And now one company is taking it to the next level by rolling out pizza delivering reindeer.
SEE ALSO:Pizza delivered by drone? It's been done for real in New ZealandNo, it's not the special eggnog messing with your eyes, you read that right, Domino's Japan is currently training reindeer that will pull sleds packing fresh pizza around the country.
Aside from the obvious attempt to connect Santa Claus with pizza, the idea for the reindeers came about as a way to continue to be able to deliver pizzas during snowy weather, when a bike is less practical.
Each reindeer-powered sled will be equipped with the company's GPS Driver Tracker, a system which allows customers to watch delivery people in real time as they make deliveries.
In the case of the reindeer deliveries, the icons on the app's map (below) will be changed to reindeer icons beginning in December.
Earlier this week, the company posted a video (above) of the reindeer being trained. And while the initial training looks somewhat awkward, by the end of the video, the pizza-pulling reindeer look surprisingly normal.
Now all they need to do is get all their delivery people to don Santa outfits and we can watch pizza sales in Japan explode in the run-up to Christmas.
Dear Domino's U.S.: can we please have this, too? Please?
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