时间:2025-03-07 10:57:51 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
The New York Police Department is allowing Sikh officers to wear turbans instead of traditional caps
The New York Police Department is allowing Sikh officers to wear turbans instead of traditional caps, and grow their beards up to half an inch long for religious reasons, Police Commissioner James O'Neill announced Wednesday.
Speaking at a graduation ceremony for new recruits at Madison Square Garden, O'Neil said there were some 160 Sikh officers that could benefit from the new rules.
SEE ALSO:This fearless teen rocked a burkini and hijab at the Miss Minnesota pageantIn the past, Sikh officers had to wear a patka (a turban worn by members of the Sikh faith to exhibit honor, courage and piety) under a cap and also weren't allowed any beard growth above 1 millimeter, as they interfered with gas masks, the Associated Press reports. Now, as long as they get approval, they can proudly wear a navy blue turban with the NYPD insignia attached.
"We want to make the NYPD as diverse as possible, and I think this is going to go a long way to help us with that," O'Neill said. "It's a major change in our uniform policy, so we had to go about it carefully. And now I have the opportunity to make the change, and I thought it was about time that we did that."
The news was warmly welcomed by the Sikh Officers Association, who said it was a "proud moment" for Sikhs around the world.
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The Sikh Coalition, meanwhile, said it was "optimistic about what this announcement represents in the way of progress."
However, Kavneet Singh from the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund told CNN the policy change doesn't go far enough regarding facial hair.
"While it's definitely a great step, we look forward to reviewing the policy in depth and ensuring that Sikhs can serve with their turban and beards intact and with no limitations or restrictions to either," he said.
In April, a Sikh officer in the United States Army won the right to wear a beard and turban in uniform after suing the Army for religious discrimination.
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