您的当前位置:首页 >百科 >【】5. The Wailing Wall (Jerusalem, Israel) 正文
时间:2025-03-01 00:03:01 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
President Trump wants to voice his opinions on the Middle East and no, not through some archaic Wash
President Trump wants to voice his opinions on the Middle East and no, not through some archaic Washington-insider liberal elitist speech. 。
The man wants to communicate his worldview the best way he knows how -- by yelling on the internet. Returning from his trip in the Middle East, the president has graciously left behind his TripAdvisor reviews for each and every country he visited. Trump got the travel bug! 。。
SEE ALSO:Overpriced garbage from Trump's estate we could sell to offset his budget cuts 。Who needs pesky press pools when we can have the president color in fun little stars instead?
Thanks for signing up! 。
It's about time that the presidency dumped anachronistic policy briefings in favor of going mobile.。
Scuba dive tankless with this floating air caddie 。
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