时间:2025-03-01 00:48:36 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
In what world is Hillary Clinton nota Wonder Womanfan? Of course she is! She hasn't even seen the mo
In what world is Hillary Clinton nota Wonder Womanfan? Of course she is! She hasn't even seen the movie yet, but she's as excited it for it as anyone else.
At the Women In Film's Crystal + Lucy Awards on Tuesday, Clinton cited the obvious kinship she feels with Diana and praised director Patty Jenkins.
"No I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but I'm going to, in part because it's directed by the fabulous Patty Jenkins," Clinton said in a video that aired at the awards ceremony. "But something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley."
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h/t USA Today
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