时间:2025-01-19 02:22:54 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
When Kimberly Jones got a text from her 11-year-old daughter, Bella, she was upset.。 Not because her
When Kimberly Jones got a text from her 11-year-old daughter, Bella, she was upset.。
Not because her daughter was texting while at school, but because the Lansing, Kansas middle schooler was forced to swap her leggings for school sweatpants after being told her tunic was too short and a dress code violation.。
Jones detailed the incident and the embarrassment her daughter felt in a Facebook post that has since gone viral.。
SEE ALSO:Woman fights racist workplace dress code with cosplay 。"She texted me all upset sobbing that they told her not to call me and that she had to wear borrowed sweatpants all day," Jones wrote on Facebook, which has since been removed. "Their policy is that they are not allowed to change." The Facebook post has since been removed, but a screengrab of the text is below.。
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"She was begging to move because they embarrassed and harassed her. Why? Because apparently 13 year old boys (she's 11 in 6th grade) can't control themselves around this. The code was because her shirt was too short," Jones explained. "In what world is it acceptable to call out and embarrass a child over THIS outfit? Her butt is even covered! Her butt is even covered!"。
According to a local news report, Bella was told she was unable to contact her mother. A school district official says this rule is in place so that students facing disciplinary action can stay in the classroom and not wait in the office for their parents to arrive. 。
"As I sat there waiting for the principal I saw a teacher walk by with pants so tight I could see her underwear...but this is unacceptable? Are we living in the 1900s? Are we living in the 1900s? And am I being punked because I just cannot believe this crap is real," Jones wrote on Facebook. 。 Leggings have now been specifically deemed prohibited in the school's handbook and, according to a statement from the school to 。 TODAY,
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