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时间:2025-03-07 10:25:17 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Steve Harvey's fed up with people coming into his dressing room.。 Fed. Up.。Honestly, don't even try
Steve Harvey's fed up with people coming into his dressing room. 。 Fed. Up. 。
Honestly, don't even try to come in. Don't even try.。 You will be removed. 。Don't play. 。
SEE ALSO:Ivanka Trump is not your friend and she's not coming to save you。Need it in writing from the man himself? Here's an e-mail he sent to his staff, published by Robert Feder on Wednesday:。
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Ahh yes, nothing says "welcome to the team!" like 14 sentences detailing how you should never, under any circumstance, approach him without making an appointment first, at the risk of physical removal.。
Harvey recently ended his show in Chicago, and is starting a new show, Steve,in LA. This note was for the staff of。 Steve, and a warm "can't wait to get started" it is.。
Thanks for signing up! 。
Who hurt you, Steve Harvey? Personal time is important, sure, but this seems like overkill. 。
Abrupt as the letter is, people are having mixed reactions:。
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Presumably the supporters are in favor because they're tired of dealing with chatty minions as well.。
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But the opposition (henceforth referred to here as "people who have rude bosses") have a point: his employees are the enemy here. 。
Whatever side you choose, you have to admit the note is a pretty good template to get haters the f*ck out of your way: 。
This smart pillow can track your sleep and gently wake you up 。
Editor's Note: updated to state that the note was published on Wednesday, not sent on Wednesday. 。Despite IOC ban, Rio crowds get their political messages across2025-03-07 10:07
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