时间:2025-03-07 11:26:53 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Pet ownership is a responsibility one shouldn't take lightly, and we need to hold one another accoun
Pet ownership is a responsibility one shouldn't take lightly, and we need to hold one another accountable when we suspect proper care is not being paid.
Case in point: this enterprising Twitter teen who replaced his sister's pet goldfish with baby carrots and has been waiting for days for her to notice. This is the type of ingenuity the internet was made to spotlight.
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And while @SamuelAnnis's sister had yet to notice their absence by Sunday, Twitter took notice, retweeting his photos more than 54,000 times.
At last update, the switch had still gone unnoticed. But don't worry -- her fish are safe in her brother's tank until she finally realizes they're gone.
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