时间:2024-12-21 22:59:43 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Everybody, say hello to Arthur. This is the face of the man who will one day become the scourge of G
Everybody, say hello to Arthur.
This is the face of the man who will one day become the scourge of Gotham City and Batman's principal nemesis, Joker.
SEE ALSO:12 evil power couples (and their most heinous crimes) ranked from least to most messed upHe's got a little bit of a Crispin Glover thing going on here. It sure would be cool to see Crispin Glover's take on Joker, wouldn't it?
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The Instagram share comes from Todd Phillips, the director of Warner Bros. upcoming Joker movie. We don't know a whole lot about it just yet, but shooting is underway now. There are even set photos out in the wild.
Details on the upcoming movie first surfaced in July. It's an origin story set in the '80s, and it's described as an "exploration of a man disregarded by society that is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale," according to WB (h/t Variety).
That's pretty much all we know for sure at this point. It's technically not even confirmed that Phoenix isthis movie's Joker, just that he's the star. And sure, in all likelihood, yes, he's Gotham City's so-called Clown Prince of Crime. But wouldn't it be the most Joker thing imaginable if the movie made Phoenix's role a bait-and-switch?
The DC Extended Universe may be flailing wildly right now, but WB seems intent on making this one happen. It's currently scheduled to hit theaters on Oct. 4, 2019.
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