时间:2024-12-04 01:56:25 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Children, they grow up so fast. Princess Charlotte just arrived at her very first day of school at T
Children, they grow up so fast.
Princess Charlotte just arrived at her very first day of school at Thomas's Battersea, where her big brother Prince George also happens to be a pupil.
SEE ALSO:Here are some adorable photos of Prince George's first day of schoolKensington Palace posted a video of the moment Charlotte arrived at school, flanked by her parents the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
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Charlotte met and shook hands with the head of the lower school, Helen Haslem.
Here are some photos of Charlotte's arrival.
Princess Charlotte meets one of the teachers.Credit: AARON CHOWN/AFP/Getty ImagesFirst day of school.Credit: Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty ImagesCharlotte with her big brother George.Credit: AARON CHOWN/AFP/Getty ImagesBest of luck to Charlotte.
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