时间:2025-03-01 01:00:08 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
So close, yet so far for Huawei, whose foldable Mate X smartphone is reportedly being delayed once a
So close, yet so far for Huawei, whose foldable Mate X smartphone is reportedly being delayed once again.
TechRadar reports that the Mate X will likely not be available until at least November, two months later than the September release the company was aiming for. The news came at a Thursday press event at Huawei's headquarters in Shenzhen, China. No reason for the delay was given.
The company was showing off the Mate X to the press as far back as Mobile World Congress in February. But, since then, the phone has faced delays similar to those of other foldable smartphones with the original June drop date being pushed back to September.
Incredibly, this means that Samsung may still be able to get its much-ballyhooed Galaxy Fold to customers first. It would be startling turn-around given the epic PR disaster the company experienced when review versions of the phone started breaking.
After some big-time overhauls, Samsung set the Galaxy Fold's new release date for September which (checks calendar) is right around the corner.
SEE ALSO:Apple customers would pay $600 extra for foldable iPhone, survey findsAs for the Mate X, TechRadar says Huawei is confident they'll get the phone out by the end of 2019. What's more, the phone's successor could come out next year and feature "even more screens," which likely means screens on the rear of the phone, too. Wild.
For now, though, maybe we should just all chill until one of these foldable smartphones is, you know, actually in stores and we can shell over thousands of dollars while simultaneously praying we don't break them.
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