时间:2025-03-09 10:44:22 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Mariah Carey had a viral response to a megafan's tweet about people who don't like her. For Mariah s
Mariah Carey had a viral response to a megafan's tweet about people who don't like her.
For Mariah stans, hearing the words "I don't like Mariah Carey" are apparently a deal-breaker. And it appears Mariah feels the same way.
SEE ALSO:Mariah Carey had just one hot demand during her NYE performanceA Mariah stan who goes by the Twitter handle @mariahlegend tweeted out that he's "not even being dramatic" but hearing the words "I don't like Mariah Carey" is "literally the biggest turn off ever."
Then Mariah herself chimed in.
Tweet may have been deleted
One word, 30,000+ retweets.
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