时间:2025-03-01 01:32:43 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Chevrolet was the first automaker to add 4G LTE connectivity to every model in its lineup. And now,
Chevrolet was the first automaker to add 4G LTE connectivity to every model in its lineup. And now, just in time for the Fourth of July, the American automaker is cutting its data plan pricing virtually in half.
SEE ALSO:New Yorkers and Californians really want driverless cars, Volvo saysThe Wi-Fi hotspot generated from the vehicle's 4G data connection can support up to seven devices at once. Chevrolet brags it has sold more than 2.1 million vehicles with LTE connectivity since June 2014.
The brand now offers four distinct data plans. At the low end, buyers can choose 1 gigabyte per month for $10 per month -- down from $20 per month. At the top end, customers can step up from 10 GB for 12 months plan to 20 GB, for the same price of $150.
Although 4G data acceptance has been successful, in fact a majority of the brand's large SUV drivers use their in-vehicle hotspots, Chevy is keen to make the data plans more accessible and usage wider spread.
Personally, I wish every car had 4G LTE. I can't recall how many times I've been riding shotgun in a friend's car, trying to get some work done and wishing I had some Wi-Fi. Shoot, maybe I should just breakdown and buy a Chevy after all.
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