时间:2025-02-28 23:58:13 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
LONDON -- It's been mere days since Prince George stayed up 15 minutes past his bedtime to say hi to
LONDON -- It's been mere days since Prince George stayed up 15 minutes past his bedtime to say hi to President Obama, and the shockwaves are still rippling through the Internet.
SEE ALSO:Faceswapping Prince George and the Queen has deeply terrifying resultsThe meeting took place on Friday evening. Obama wore a suit, and George was decked out in his best robe.
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Many people went wild for the robe.
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Fast-forward to a day later, and the robe -- which is made by My 1st Years and costs £27 ($39) -- was already sold out.
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If you're in the market for a monogrammed miniature robe, though, fear not -- they're still available for pre-order online.
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Probably not a bad day in the My 1st Years offices, when those pictures went out.
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